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Pipeline: List Blacklisted IP Addresses
Get a list of the most reported IP addresses with an abuse confidence score above a minimum.
Run the pipeline
To run this pipeline from your terminal:
flowpipe pipeline run abuseipdb.pipeline.list_blacklisted_ip_addresses
Use this pipeline
To call this pipeline from your pipeline, use a step:
step "pipeline" "step_name" { pipeline = abuseipdb.pipeline.list_blacklisted_ip_addresses }
Name | Type | Required | Description | Default |
cred | string | Yes | Name for credentials to use. If not provided, the default credentials will be used. | default |
confidence_minimum | number | Yes | Minimum confidence score. Minimum is 25 and maximum is 100. Defaults to 90. | 90 |
Name | Description |
blacklisted_ip_addresses | Blacklist details. |