
Correct one EBS volume using io1


EBS io1 volumes are less reliable than io2 volumes for the same cost.

This pipeline allows you to specify a single io1 EBS volume and then either send a notification or attempt to perform a predefined corrective action.

Whilst it is possible to utilise this pipeline standalone, it is usually called from the correct_ebs_volumes_using_io1 pipeline.

Run the pipeline

To run this pipeline from your terminal:

flowpipe pipeline run aws_thrifty.pipeline.correct_one_ebs_volume_using_io1 \
--arg 'title=<string>' \
--arg 'volume_id=<string>' \
--arg 'region=<string>' \
--arg 'cred=<string>'

Use this pipeline

To call this pipeline from your pipeline, use a step:

step "pipeline" "step_name" {
pipeline = aws_thrifty.pipeline.correct_one_ebs_volume_using_io1
args = {
title = <string>
volume_id = <string>
region = <string>
cred = <string>


titlestringYesTitle of the resource, to be used as a display name.-
volume_idstringYesEBS volume ID.-
regionstringYesAWS Region of the resource(s).-
credstringYesName of the credential to be used for any authenticated actions.-
notifierstringYesThe name of the notifier to use for sending notification messages.default
notification_levelstringYesThe verbosity level of notification messages to send. Valid options are 'verbose', 'info', 'error'.info
approverslist(string)YesList of notifiers to be used for obtaining action/approval decisions.
default_actionstringYesThe default action to use for the detected item, used if no input is provided.notify
enabled_actionslist(string)YesThe list of enabled actions to provide to approvers for selection.


This pipeline has no outputs.


category = Cost
class = deprecated
plugin = aws
service = AWS/EBS