- Assign Managed Identity to AppService Web App
- Attach Compute Disk
- Create Virtual Machine
- Create Functions Functionapp App
- Create Functions Functionapp Plan
- Create Network Firewall
- Create Network Nat Gateway
- Create Network Public IP
- Create Network VNet
- Create Resource Group
- Create Resource Tag
- Create Security Pricing
- Create Service Bus Namespace
- Create Service Bus Queue
- Create Service Bus Topic
- Create Storage Account
- Create Storage Queue
- Deallocate Compute Virtual Machine
- Delete App Service Plan
- Delete Compute Disk
- Delete Compute Snapshot
- Delete Compute Virtual Machine
- Delete Functions Functionapp App
- Delete Functions Functionapp Plan
- Delete HDInsight Cluster
- Delete Azure IAM Role
- Delete Kubernetes Cluster
- Delete Kusto Cluster
- Delete Network Firewall
- Delete Network Load Balancer
- Delete Network Nat Gateway
- Delete Network NSG Rule
- Delete Network Public IP
- Delete Virtual Network Gateway
- Delete Network VNet
- Delete PostgreSQL Server Firewall Rule
- Delete Resource Tag
- Delete Service Fabric Cluster
- Delete Service Bus Namespace
- Delete Service Bus Queue
- Delete Service Bus Topic
- Delete Azure SQL Database
- Delete SQL Server Firewall Rule
- Delete Storage Account
- Delete Storage Queue
- Delete Virtual Machine Scale Set
- Detach Compute Disk
- Get Compute Disk
- Get Compute Virtual Machine
- Get Compute Virtual Machine Instance View
- Get Storage Account
- List Compute Virtual Machines
- Resize Compute Virtual Machine
- Set Configuration for AppService Web App
- Set Key Vault Key Attributes
- Set Key Vault Secret Attributes
- Set PostgreSQL Server Configuration
- Set SQL Database TDE
- Start Compute Virtual Machine
- Stop Compute Virtual Machine
- Stop Kusto Cluster
- Stop Network Application Gateway
- Apply Resource Tags
- Test Create Compute Virtual Machine
- Test Create Storage Account
- Test Start Compute Virtual Machine
- Test Update Storage Account
- Update AppService Web App
- Update AppService Web App Authentication
- Update Azure Key Vault Purge Protection
- Update Compute Snapshot
- Update Compute Virtual Machine
- Update Monitor Log Profile Retention Policy
- Update PostgreSQL Server SSL Enforcement
- Update Resource Tag
- Update Storage Account Access Tier
- Update Storage Account Blob Service Properties
- Update Storage Account Bypass Azure Services
- Update Storage Account Default Action
- Update Storage Account HTTPS-Only Setting
- Update Storage Account Logging
- Update Storage Account Minimum TLS
- Update Storage Account Public Network Access
Get Involved
Update AppService Web App Authentication
Update the authentication settings of an Azure Web App.
Run the pipeline
To run this pipeline from your terminal:
flowpipe pipeline run azure.pipeline.update_appservice_webapp_auth \ --arg 'subscription_id=<string>' \ --arg 'resource_group=<string>' \ --arg 'app_name=<string>' \ --arg 'enabled=<bool>'
Use this pipeline
To call this pipeline from your pipeline, use a step:
step "pipeline" "step_name" { pipeline = azure.pipeline.update_appservice_webapp_auth args = { subscription_id = <string> resource_group = <string> app_name = <string> enabled = <bool> }}
Name | Type | Required | Description | Default |
cred | string | Yes | Name for credentials to use. If not provided, the default credentials will be used. | default |
subscription_id | string | Yes | Azure Subscription Id. Examples: d46d7416-f95f-4771-bbb5-529d4c766. | - |
resource_group | string | Yes | Azure Resource Group. Examples: my-rg, my-rg-123. | - |
app_name | string | Yes | Name of the web app. | - |
enabled | bool | Yes | Enable or disable authentication for the web app. | - |
Name | Description |
webapp_auth | The updated web app authentication settings. |
type = featured