
Pipeline: 2.2.1 Ensure Trusted Locations Are Defined


Microsoft Entra ID Conditional Access allows an organization to configure Named locations and configure whether those locations are trusted or untrusted. These settings provide organizations the means to specify Geographical locations for use in conditional access policies, or define actual IP addresses and IP ranges and whether or not those IP addresses and/or ranges are trusted by the organization.

Defining trusted source IP addresses or ranges helps organizations create and enforce Conditional Access policies around those trusted or untrusted IP addresses and ranges. Users authenticating from trusted IP addresses and/or ranges may have less access restrictions or access requirements when compared to users that try to authenticate to Microsoft Entra ID from untrusted locations or untrusted source IP addresses/ranges.


From Azure Portal

  1. In the Azure Portal, navigate to Microsoft Entra ID.
  2. Under Manage, click Security.
  3. Under Protect, click Conditional Access.
  4. Under Manage, click Named locations.
  5. Within the Named locations blade, click on IP ranges location.
  6. Enter a name for this location setting in the Name text box.
  7. Click on the + sign.
  8. Add an IP Address Range in CIDR notation inside the text box that appears.
  9. Click on the Add button.
  10. Repeat steps 7 through 9 for each IP Range that needs to be added.
  11. If the information entered are trusted ranges, select the Mark as trusted location check box.
  12. Once finished, click on Create.

From PowerShell

Create a new trusted IP-based Named location policy

[System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Microsoft.Open.MSGraph.Model.IpRange]]$ipRanges = @()
$ipRanges.Add("<first IP range in CIDR notation>")
$ipRanges.Add("<second IP range in CIDR notation>")
$ipRanges.Add("<third IP range in CIDR notation>")
New-MgIdentityConditionalAccessNamedLocation -dataType "#microsoft.graph.ipNamedLocation" -DisplayName "<name of IP Named location policy>" -IsTrusted $true -IpRanges $ipRanges

Set an existing IP-based Named location policy to trusted

Update-MgIdentityConditionalAccessNamedLocation -PolicyId "<ID of the policy>" -dataType "#microsoft.graph.ipNamedLocation" -IsTrusted $true

Default Value

By default, no locations are configured under the Named locations blade within the Microsoft Entra ID Conditional Access blade.

Run the pipeline

To run this pipeline from your terminal:

flowpipe pipeline run azure_cis.pipeline.cis_v300_2_2_1

Use this pipeline

To call this pipeline from your pipeline, use a step:

step "pipeline" "step_name" {
pipeline = azure_cis.pipeline.cis_v300_2_2_1


YesDatabase connection string.connection.steampipe.default
YesThe name of the notifier to use for sending notification messages.notifier.default
YesThe verbosity level of notification messages to send. Valid options are 'verbose', 'info', 'error'.info
YesList of notifiers to be used for obtaining action/approval decisions.notifier.default


This pipeline has no outputs.


folder = CIS v3.0.0/2 Identity/2.2 Conditional Access