
Pipeline: 6.1.1 Ensure that a 'Diagnostic Setting' exists for Subscription Activity Logs


Enable Diagnostic settings for exporting activity logs. Diagnostic settings are available for each individual resource within a subscription. Settings should be configured for all appropriate resources for your environment.

A diagnostic setting controls how a diagnostic log is exported. By default, logs are retained only for 90 days. Diagnostic settings should be defined so that logs can be exported and stored for a longer duration in order to analyze security activities within an Azure subscription.


From Azure Portal

To enable Diagnostic Settings on a Subscription:

  1. Go to Monitor.
  2. Click on Activity log.
  3. Click on Export Activity Logs.
  4. Click + Add diagnostic setting.
  5. Enter a Diagnostic setting name.
  6. Select Categories for the diagnostic setting.
  7. Select the appropriate Destination details (this may be Log Analytics, Storage Account, Event Hub, or Partner solution).
  8. Click Save.

To enable Diagnostic Settings on a specific resource:

  1. Go to Monitoring.
  2. Click Diagnostic settings.
  3. Select Add diagnostic setting.
  4. Enter a Diagnostic setting name.
  5. Select the appropriate log, metric, and destination (this may be Log Analytics, Storage Account, Event Hub, or Partner solution).
  6. Click Save.

Repeat these step for all resources as needed.

From Azure CLI

To configure Diagnostic Settings on a Subscription:

az monitor diagnostic-settings subscription create --subscription <subscription id> --name <diagnostic settings name> --location <location> <[--event-hub <event hub ID> --event-hub-auth-rule <event hub auth rule ID>] [--storage-account <storage account ID>] [--workspace <log analytics workspace ID>] --logs "<JSON encoded categories>" (e.g. [{category:Security,enabled:true},{category:Administrative,enabled:true},{category:Alert,enabled:true},{category:Policy,enabled:true}])

To configure Diagnostic Settings on a specific resource:

az monitor diagnostic-settings create --subscription <subscription ID> --resource <resource ID> --name <diagnostic settings name> <[--event-hub <event hub ID> --event-hub-rule <event hub auth rule ID>] [--storage-account <storage account ID>] [--workspace <log analytics workspace ID>] --logs <resource specific JSON encoded log settings> --metrics <metric settings (shorthand|json-file|yaml-file)>

From PowerShell

To configure Diagnostic Settings on a subscription:

$logCategories = @();
$logCategories += New-AzDiagnosticSettingSubscriptionLogSettingsObject -Category Administrative -Enabled $true
$logCategories += New-AzDiagnosticSettingSubscriptionLogSettingsObject -Category Security -Enabled $true
$logCategories += New-AzDiagnosticSettingSubscriptionLogSettingsObject -Category ServiceHealth -Enabled $true
$logCategories += New-AzDiagnosticSettingSubscriptionLogSettingsObject -Category Alert -Enabled $true
$logCategories += New-AzDiagnosticSettingSubscriptionLogSettingsObject -Category Recommendation -Enabled $true
$logCategories += New-AzDiagnosticSettingSubscriptionLogSettingsObject -Category Policy -Enabled $true
$logCategories += New-AzDiagnosticSettingSubscriptionLogSettingsObject -Category Autoscale -Enabled $true
$logCategories += New-AzDiagnosticSettingSubscriptionLogSettingsObject -Category ResourceHealth -Enabled $true
New-AzSubscriptionDiagnosticSetting -SubscriptionId <subscription ID> -Name <Diagnostic settings name> <[-EventHubAuthorizationRule <event hub auth rule ID> -EventHubName <event hub name>] [-StorageAccountId <storage account ID>] [-WorkSpaceId <log analytics workspace ID>] [-MarketplacePartner ID <full ARM Marketplace resource ID>]> -Log $logCategories

To configure Diagnostic Settings on a specific resource:

$logCategories = @()
$logCategories += New-AzDiagnosticSettingLogSettingsObject -Category <resource specific log category> -Enabled $true
Repeat command and variable assignment for each Log category specific to the resource where this Diagnostic Setting will get configured.
$metricCategories = @()
$metricCategories += New-AzDiagnosticSettingMetricSettingsObject -Enabled $true [-Category <resource specific metric category | AllMetrics>] [-RetentionPolicyDay <Integer>] [-RetentionPolicyEnabled $true]
Repeat command and variable assignment for each Metric category or use the 'AllMetrics' category.
New-AzDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId <resource ID> -Name <Diagnostic settings name> -Log $logCategories -Metric $metricCategories [-EventHubAuthorizationRuleId <event hub auth rule ID> -EventHubName <event hub name>] [-StorageAccountId <storage account ID>] [-WorkspaceId <log analytics workspace ID>] [-MarketplacePartnerId <full ARM marketplace resource ID>]>
### Default Value
By default, diagnostic setting is not set.

Run the pipeline

To run this pipeline from your terminal:

flowpipe pipeline run azure_cis.pipeline.cis_v300_6_1_1

Use this pipeline

To call this pipeline from your pipeline, use a step:

step "pipeline" "step_name" {
pipeline = azure_cis.pipeline.cis_v300_6_1_1


YesDatabase connection string.connection.steampipe.default
YesThe name of the notifier to use for sending notification messages.notifier.default
YesThe verbosity level of notification messages to send. Valid options are 'verbose', 'info', 'error'.info
YesList of notifiers to be used for obtaining action/approval decisions.notifier.default


This pipeline has no outputs.


folder = CIS v3.0.0/6 Logging and Monitoring/6.1 Configuring Diagnostic Settings