
Pipeline: 8.9 [Legacy] Ensure that VHDs are Encrypted


NOTE: This is a legacy recommendation. Managed Disks are encrypted by default and recommended for all new VM implementations.

VHD (Virtual Hard Disks) are stored in blob storage and are the old-style disks that were attached to Virtual Machines. The blob VHD was then leased to the VM. By default, storage accounts are not encrypted, and Microsoft Defender will then recommend that the OS disks should be encrypted. Storage accounts can be encrypted as a whole using PMK or CMK. This should be turned on for storage accounts containing VHDs.

While it is recommended to use Managed Disks which are encrypted by default, "legacy" VHDs may exist for a variety of reasons and may need to remain in VHD format. VHDs are not encrypted by default, so this recommendation intends to address the security of these disks. In these niche cases, VHDs should be encrypted using the procedures in this recommendation to encrypt and protect the data content.

If a virtual machine is using a VHD and can be converted to a managed disk, instructions for this procedure can be found in the resources section of this recommendation under the title "Convert VHD to Managed Disk."


From Azure Portal

  1. Navigate to the storage account that you wish to encrypt.
  2. Select encryption.
  3. Select the encryption type that you wish to use.

If you wish to use a Microsoft-managed key (the default), you can save at this point and encryption will be applied to the account.

If you select Customer-managed keys, it will ask for the location of the key (The default is an Azure Key Vault) and the key name. Once these are captured, save the configuration and the account will be encrypted using the provided key.

From Azure CLI

Create the Key Vault

az keyvault create --name <name> --resource-group <resourceGroup> --location <location> --enabled-for-disk-encryption

Encrypt the disk and store the key in Key Vault

az vm encryption enable -g <resourceGroup> --name <name> --disk-encryption-keyvault myKV

From PowerShell

This process uses a Key Vault to store the keys Create the Key Vault

New-AzKeyvault -name <name> -ResourceGroupName <resourceGroup> -Location <location> -EnabledForDiskEncryption

Encrypt the disk and store the key in Key Vault

$KeyVault = Get-AzKeyVault -VaultName <name> -ResourceGroupName <resourceGroup>
Set-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension -ResourceGroupName <resourceGroup> -VMName <name> -DiskEncryptionKeyVaultUrl $KeyVault.VaultUri -DiskEncryptionKeyVaultId $KeyVault.ResourceId

Default Value

The default value for encryption is "NO Encryption".

Run the pipeline

To run this pipeline from your terminal:

flowpipe pipeline run azure_cis.pipeline.cis_v300_8_9

Use this pipeline

To call this pipeline from your pipeline, use a step:

step "pipeline" "step_name" {
pipeline = azure_cis.pipeline.cis_v300_8_9


YesDatabase connection string.connection.steampipe.default
YesThe name of the notifier to use for sending notification messages.notifier.default
YesThe verbosity level of notification messages to send. Valid options are 'verbose', 'info', 'error'.info
YesList of notifiers to be used for obtaining action/approval decisions.notifier.default


This pipeline has no outputs.


folder = CIS v3.0.0/8 Virtual Machines