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Pipeline: Detect & correct Storage account containers insights activity logs not encrypted with CMK
Detect Storage containers insights activity logs not encrypted with CMK and then enable encryption using CMK.
Run the pipeline
To run this pipeline from your terminal:
flowpipe pipeline run azure_compliance.pipeline.detect_and_correct_monitor_storage_containers_insights_activity_logs_not_encrypted_with_cmk
Use this pipeline
To call this pipeline from your pipeline, use a step:
step "pipeline" "step_name" { pipeline = azure_compliance.pipeline.detect_and_correct_monitor_storage_containers_insights_activity_logs_not_encrypted_with_cmk }
Name | Type | Required | Description | Default |
database | connection.steampipe | Yes | Database connection string. | connection.steampipe.default |
notifier | notifier | Yes | The name of the notifier to use for sending notification messages. | notifier.default |
notification_level | string verbose , info , error | Yes | The verbosity level of notification messages to send. Valid options are 'verbose', 'info', 'error'. | info |
This pipeline has no outputs.
category = Compliance
plugin = azure
service = Azure/Monitor