
Correct one Compute disk unattached


Managing unattached disks is crucial for cost efficiency, as they continue to incur charges while not actively contributing to operational workloads. Regularly identifying and managing these resources can help optimize storage costs and organizational efficiency in Azure.

This pipeline allows you to specify a single unattached compute disk and then either send a notification or attempt to perform a predefined corrective action.

Whilst it is possible to utilise this pipeline standalone, it is usually called from the correct_compute_disks_if_unattached pipeline.

Run the pipeline

To run this pipeline from your terminal:

flowpipe pipeline run azure_thrifty.pipeline.correct_one_compute_disk_if_unattached \
--arg 'title=<string>' \
--arg 'name=<string>' \
--arg 'resource_group=<string>' \
--arg 'snapshot_name=<string>' \
--arg 'subscription_id=<string>' \
--arg 'cred=<string>'

Use this pipeline

To call this pipeline from your pipeline, use a step:

step "pipeline" "step_name" {
pipeline = azure_thrifty.pipeline.correct_one_compute_disk_if_unattached
args = {
title = <string>
name = <string>
resource_group = <string>
snapshot_name = <string>
subscription_id = <string>
cred = <string>


titlestringYesTitle of the resource, to be used as a display name.-
namestringYesThe name of the Compute snapshot.-
resource_groupstringYesAzure Resource Group of the resource(s).-
snapshot_namestringYesThe snapshot name of the disk.-
subscription_idstringYesAzure Subscription ID of the resource(s).-
credstringYesName of the credential to be used for any authenticated actions.-
notifierstringYesThe name of the notifier to use for sending notification messages.default
notification_levelstringYesThe verbosity level of notification messages to send. Valid options are 'verbose', 'info', 'error'.info
approverslist(string)YesList of notifiers to be used for obtaining action/approval decisions.
default_actionstringYesThe default action to use for the detected item, used if no input is provided.notify
enabled_actionslist(string)YesThe list of enabled actions to provide to approvers for selection.


This pipeline has no outputs.


category = Cost
class = unused
plugin = azure
service = Azure/Compute