Get Involved
Pipeline: Lookup Requester IP Address
Retrieve information about the requester IP address.
Run the pipeline
To run this pipeline from your terminal:
flowpipe pipeline run ipstack.pipeline.lookup_requester_ip_address \ --arg 'output_type=<string>' \ --arg 'security_module=<number>' \ --arg 'fields=<string>'
Use this pipeline
To call this pipeline from your pipeline, use a step:
step "pipeline" "step_name" { pipeline = ipstack.pipeline.lookup_requester_ip_address args = { output_type = <string> security_module = <number> fields = <string> }}
Name | Type | Required | Description | Default |
conn | connection.ipstack | Yes | Name of Ipstack connection to use. If not provided, the default Ipstack connection will be used. | connection.ipstack.default |
output_type | string | Yes | The output type. It supports json and xml. | - |
security_module | number | Yes | The required security module. Professional plus plan is required to access the ipstack API's security module. | - |
fields | string | Yes | Fields parameter used to limit API results to a certain object or set of objects. Setting the fields object to specific value such as country_code causes the ipstack API to return only the country_code object. | - |
Name | Description |
requester_ip_address_details | Requester IP address details. |