
Update Ticket Comment

Update a ticket comment.

Run the pipeline

To run this pipeline from your terminal:

flowpipe pipeline run zendesk.pipeline.update_ticket_comment \
--arg 'comment=<{
author_id = number
body = string
public = bool
}>' \
--arg 'ticket_id=<number>'

Use this pipeline

To call this pipeline from your pipeline, use a step:

step "pipeline" "step_name" {
pipeline = zendesk.pipeline.update_ticket_comment
args = {
comment = <{
author_id = number
body = string
public = bool
ticket_id = <number>


credstringYesName for credentials to use. If not provided, the default credentials will be used.default
comment{ author_id = number body = string public = bool }YesAn object that defines the properties of the ticket comment.-
allow_attachmentsboolNoPermission for agents to add attachments to a comment. Defaults to true.-
allow_channelbackboolNoIs false if channelback is disabled, true otherwise. Only applicable for channels framework ticket.-
assignee_emailstringNoWrite only. The email address of the agent to assign the ticket to.-
assignee_idnumberNoThe agent currently assigned to the ticket.-
attribute_value_idslist(number)NoWrite only. An array of the IDs of attribute values to be associated with the ticket.-
brand_idnumberNoEnterprise only. The ID of the brand this ticket is associated with.-
collaborator_idslist(number)NoThe IDs of users currently CC'ed on the ticket.-
collaboratorslist({ email = string name = string })NoPOST requests only. Users to add as CC's when creating a ticket. See Setting Collaborators.-
created_atstringNoWhen this record was created.-
custom_fieldslist({ id = number value = string })NoCustom fields for the ticket. See Setting custom field values.-
custom_status_idnumberNoThe custom ticket status ID of the ticket. See custom ticket statuses.-
descriptionstringNoRead-only first comment on the ticket. When creating a ticket, use comment to set the description. See Description and first comment.-
due_atstringNoIf this is a ticket of type 'task', it has a due date. Due date format uses ISO 8601 format.-
email_cc_idslist(number)NoThe IDs of agents or end users currently CC'ed on the ticket. See CCs and followers resources in the Support Help Center.-
email_ccslist({ email = string user_id = number })NoWrite only. An array of objects that represent agent or end users email CCs to add or delete from the ticket. See Setting email CCs.-
external_idstringNoAn ID you can use to link Zendesk Support tickets to local records.-
follower_idslist(number)NoThe IDs of agents currently following the ticket. See CCs and followers resources.-
ticket_idnumberYesAutomatically assigned when the ticket is created.-
followerslist({ user_id = number })NoWrite only. An array of objects that represent agent followers to add or delete from the ticket. See Setting followers.-
followup_idslist(number)NoThe IDs of the followups created from this ticket. IDs are only visible once the ticket is closed.-
forum_topic_idnumberNoThe topic in the Zendesk Web portal this ticket originated from, if any. The Web portal is deprecated.-
from_messaging_channelboolNoIf true, the ticket's via type is a messaging channel.-
group_idnumberNoThe group this ticket is assigned to.-
has_incidentsboolNoIs true if a ticket is a problem type and has one or more incidents linked to it. Otherwise, the value is false.-
is_publicboolNoIs true if any comments are public, false otherwise.-
macro_idnumberNoWrite only. A macro ID to be recorded in the ticket audit.-
macro_idslist(number)NoPOST requests only. List of macro IDs to be recorded in the ticket audit.-
metadata{ data = map(any) }NoWrite only. Metadata for the audit. In the audit object, the data is specified in the custom property of the metadata object. See Setting Metadata.-
organization_idnumberNoThe organization of the requester. You can only specify the ID of an organization associated with the requester. See Organization Memberships.-
prioritystringNoThe urgency with which the ticket should be addressed. Allowed values are 'urgent', 'high', 'normal', or 'low'.-
problem_idnumberNoFor tickets of type 'incident', the ID of the problem the incident is linked to.-
raw_subjectstringNoThe dynamic content placeholder, if present, or the 'subject' value, if not. See Dynamic Content Items.-
recipientstringNoThe original recipient e-mail address of the ticket. Notification emails for the ticket are sent from this address.-
requester{ email = string name = string }NoWrite only. See Creating a ticket with a new requester.-
requester_idnumberNoThe user who requested this ticket.-
safe_updateboolNoWrite only. Optional boolean. When true and an update_stamp date is included, protects against ticket update collisions and returns a message to let you know if one occurs. See Protecting against ticket update collisions. A value of false has the same effect as true. Omit the property to force the updates to not be safe.-
satisfaction_rating{ assignee_id = number comment = string created_at = string group_id = number reason = string requester_id = number score = number updated_at = string }NoThe satisfaction rating of the ticket, if it exists, or the state of satisfaction, 'offered' or 'unoffered'. The value is null for plan types that don't support CSAT.-
sharing_agreement_idslist(number)NoThe IDs of the sharing agreements used for this ticket.-
statusstringNoThe state of the ticket. If your account has activated custom ticket statuses, this is the ticket's status category. See custom ticket statuses. Allowed values are 'new', 'open', 'pending', 'hold', 'solved', or 'closed'.-
subjectstringNoThe value of the subject field for this ticket.-
submitter_idnumberNoThe user who submitted the ticket. The submitter always becomes the author of the first comment on the ticket.-
tagslist(string)NoThe array of tags applied to this ticket.-
ticket_form_idnumberNoEnterprise only. The ID of the ticket form to render for the ticket.-
typestringNoThe type of this ticket. Allowed values are 'problem', 'incident', 'question', or 'task'.-
updated_atstringNoWhen this record last got updated.-
updated_stampstringNoWrite only. Datetime of last update received from API. See the safe_update property.-
urlstringNoThe API URL of this ticket.-
via{ channel = string }NoFor more information, see the Via object reference.-
via_followup_source_idnumberNoPOST requests only. The ID of a closed ticket when creating a follow-up ticket. See Creating a follow-up ticket.-
via_idnumberNoWrite only. For more information, see the Via object reference.-
voice_comment{ value = string }NoWrite only. See Creating voicemail ticket.-


ticketThe updated ticket comment.