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Pipeline: Report on Inactive Okta Accounts and Deactivate
Routinely scan Okta environments for potential inactive accounts and deactivate accounts.
Run the pipeline
To run this pipeline from your terminal:
flowpipe pipeline run report_inactive_okta_accounts.pipeline.report_inactive_okta_accounts
Use this pipeline
To call this pipeline from your pipeline, use a step:
step "pipeline" "step_name" { pipeline = report_inactive_okta_accounts.pipeline.report_inactive_okta_accounts }
Name | Type | Required | Description | Default |
jira_conn | connection.jira | Yes | Name for Jira connections to use. If not provided, the default connections will be used. | connection.jira.default |
okta_conn | connection.okta | Yes | Name for Okta connections to use. If not provided, the default connections will be used. | connection.okta.default |
inactive_hours | number | Yes | Number of hours of inactivity before an account is deactivated. | 48 |
project_key | string | Yes | The key identifying the jira project. | project-foo |
issue_type | string | Yes | Issue type. | Task |
Name | Description |
jira_issue | Issue metadata. |
recommended = true