- Detect & correct accounts without alternate security contact
- Detect & correct accounts without metric filter for bucket policy changes
- Detect & correct accounts without metric filter for CloudTrail configuration
- Detect & correct accounts without metric filter for Config configuration
- Detect & correct accounts without metric filter for console authentication failure
- Detect & correct accounts without metric filter for console login MFA changes
- Detect & correct accounts without metric filter for disable or delete CMK
- Detect & correct accounts without metric filter for IAM policy changes
- Detect & correct accounts without metric filter for network ACL changes
- Detect & correct CloudWatch log groups without metric filter for network gateway changes
- Detect & correct CloudWatch log groups without metric filter for organization changes
- Detect & correct accounts without metric filter for root login
- Detect & correct accounts without metric filter for route table changes
- Detect & correct accounts without metric filter for security group changes
- Detect & correct accounts without metric filter for unauthorized API changes
- Detect & correct accounts without metric filter for VPC changes
- Detect & correct API Gateway rest API stages with x-ray tracing disabled
- Detect & correct CloudTrail trail logs not encrypted with KMS CMK
- Detect & correct CloudTrail trails with log file validation disabled
- Detect & correct CloudTrail trails with multi-region read/write disabled
- Detect & correct CloudTrail trails using public S3 bucket
- Detect & correct CloudTrail trails with S3 logging disabled
- Detect & correct CloudTrail trails with S3 object level logging for read events disabled
- Detect & correct CloudTrail trails with S3 object level logging for write events disabled
- Detect & correct Config disabled in regions
- Detect & correct DynamoDB table with deletion protection disabled
- Detect & correct DynamoDB table with point-in-time recovery disabled
- Detect & correct EBS encryption by default disabled in regions
- Detect & correct EBS snapshots when publicly restorable
- Detect & correct EC2 classic load balancers with connection draining disabled
- Detect & correct EC2 instances with IMDSv1 enabled
- Detect & correct EC2 instances with multiple ENIs
- Detect & correct EC2 instances with public access enabled
- Detect & correct EFS file systems with encryption at rest disabled
- Detect & correct regions with IAM Access Analyzer disabled
- Detect & correct IAM account password policies without maximum password age of 90 days
- Detect & correct IAM account password policies without minimum length of 14
- Detect & correct IAM account password policies without requirement for any lowercase letter
- Detect & correct IAM account password policies without requirement for any number
- Detect & correct IAM account password policies without requirement for any symbol
- Detect & correct IAM account password policies without requirement for any uppercase letter
- Detect & correct IAM account password policies without password reuse 24
- Detect & correct IAM accounts without support role
- Detect & correct IAM groups attached with *:* policy
- Detect & correct IAM groups with unrestricted CloudShellFullAccess policy
- Detect & correct IAM roles attached with *:* policy
- Detect & correct IAM roles with unrestricted CloudShellFullAccess policy
- Detect & correct IAM root users last used in 90 days or more
- Detect & correct IAM root users with access keys
- Detect & correct IAM root users with hardware MFA disabled
- Detect & correct IAM root users with MFA disabled
- Detect & correct expired IAM server certificates
- Detect & correct IAM users with unused access key from 90 days or more
- Detect & correct IAM users with access key created during initial user setup
- Detect & correct IAM users with console access MFA disabled
- Detect & correct IAM users with IAM policy attached
- Detect & correct IAM users with inline policy
- Detect & correct IAM users with more than one active key
- Detect & correct IAM users attached with *:* policy
- Detect & correct IAM users with unrestricted CloudShellFullAccess policy
- Detect & correct IAM users with unused access key from 45 days or more
- Detect & correct IAM users with unused access key from 90 days or more
- Detect & correct IAM users with unused login profile from 45 days or more
- Detect & correct IAM users with unused login profile from 90 days or more
- Detect & correct KMS keys with rotation disabled
- Detect & correct RDS DB instances with auto minor version upgrade disabled
- Detect & correct RDS DB instances with encryption at rest disabled
- Detect & correct RDS DB instances with Multi-AZ disabled
- Detect & correct RDS DB instances with public access enabled
- Detect & correct S3 buckets with block public access disabled
- Detect & correct S3 buckets with default encryption disabled
- Detect & correct S3 buckets with Macie disabled
- Detect & correct S3 buckets with MFA delete disabled
- Detect & correct S3 buckets without SSL enforcement
- Detect & correct Security Hub disabled in regions
- Detect & correct default VPC security groups allowing ingress egress
- Detect & correct VPC network ACLs allowing ingress to remote server administration ports
- Detect & correct VPC security groups allowing ingress to port 22
- Detect & correct VPC security groups allowing ingress to port 3389
- Detect & correct VPC security groups allowing ingress to port 445
- Detect & correct VPC security groups allowing ingress to remote server administration ports
- Detect & correct VPC security groups allowing ingress to remote server administration ports IPv4
- Detect & correct VPC security groups allowing ingress to remote server administration ports IPv6
- Detect & correct VPCs without flow logs
Get Involved
Trigger: Detect & correct CloudTrail trails using public S3 bucket
Detect CloudTrail trails with public S3 buckets.
with public_bucket_data as ( select t.s3_bucket_name as name, b.arn, t.region, t.account_id, t.tags, t.sp_connection_name, count(acl_grant) filter ( where acl_grant -> 'Grantee' ->> 'URI' like '' ) as all_user_grants, count(acl_grant) filter ( where acl_grant -> 'Grantee' ->> 'URI' like '' ) as auth_user_grants, count(s) filter ( where s ->> 'Effect' = 'Allow' and p = '*' ) as anon_statements from aws_cloudtrail_trail as t left join aws_s3_bucket as b on t.s3_bucket_name = left join jsonb_array_elements(acl -> 'Grants') as acl_grant on true left join jsonb_array_elements(policy_std -> 'Statement') as s on true left join jsonb_array_elements_text(s -> 'Principal' -> 'AWS') as p on true group by t.s3_bucket_name, b.arn, t.region, t.account_id, t.tags, t.sp_connection_name)select concat(name, ' [', account_id, '/', region, ']') as title, name, region, account_id, sp_connection_name as connfrom public_bucket_datawhere all_user_grants > 0 and auth_user_grants > 0 and anon_statements > 0;
category = Compliance
mod = aws
service = AWS/Cloudtrail