- Detect & correct AI Search services with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct API Managements with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct App Service environments with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct App Service function apps with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct App Service plans with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct App Service web apps with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Batch accounts with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Compute Availability Sets with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Compute Disk Encryption Sets with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Compute Disks with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Compute Images with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Compute Snapshots with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Compute VM Scale Sets with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Compute VMs with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Container Registries with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Cosmos DB Accounts with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Cosmos DB Mongo Databases with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Cosmos DB SQL Databases with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Data factories with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Data lake analytics accounts with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Data lake stores with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Event Hub namespaces with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct ExpressRoute circuits with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct IoT Hubs with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Key Vault Deleted Vaults with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Key Vault Keys with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Key Vault Managed Hardware Security Module with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Key Vault Secrets with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Key Vault Vaults with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Kubernetes Clusters with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Logic app workflows with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct MariaDB servers with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Monitor log alerts with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Monitor log profiles with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Microsoft SQL elastic pools with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Microsoft SQL managed instances with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct MySQL servers with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Network application security groups with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Network firewalls with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Network Interfaces with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Network load balancers with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Network public IPs with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Network route tables with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Network Security Groups with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Network Watcher Flow Logs with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Network Watchers with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct PostgreSQL Servers with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Recovery Services vaults with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Redis caches with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Resource groups with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct ServiceBus namespaces with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct SQL databases with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct SQL servers with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Storage Accounts with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Virtual Network Gateways with incorrect tags
- Detect & correct Virtual Networks with incorrect tags
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Detect & correct Event Hub namespaces with incorrect tags
Detects Event Hub namespaces with incorrect tags and optionally attempts to correct them.
with tags as ( select coalesce(name, title) as title, id, region, subscription_id, sp_connection_name as cred, coalesce(tags, '{}' :: jsonb) as tags, t.key, t.value from azure_eventhub_namespace left join jsonb_each_text(tags) as t(key, value) on true),updated_tags as ( select id, key as old_key, case when false then key else key end as new_key, value from tags where key is not null),required_tags as ( select, null as old_key, a.key as new_key, a.value from ( select distinct id from azure_eventhub_namespace ) r cross join ( values (null, null) ) as a(key, value) where not exists ( select 1 from updated_tags ut where = and ut.new_key = a.key )),all_tags as ( select id, old_key, new_key, value from updated_tags union all select id, old_key, new_key, value from required_tags where new_key is not null),allowed_tags as ( select distinct id, new_key from ( select id, new_key, case when new_key like '%' then true else false end as allowed from all_tags ) a where allowed = true),remove_tags as ( select distinct id, key from ( select id, new_key as key, case when new_key like '%' then false else false end as remove from all_tags ) r where remove = true union select id, new_key as key from all_tags a where not exists ( select 1 from allowed_tags at where = and at.new_key = a.new_key )),updated_values as ( select id, new_key, value as old_value, case when false then value else value end as updated_value from all_tags)select *from ( select t.title,, t.region, t.subscription_id, t.cred, t.tags as old_tags, jsonb_object_agg(uv.new_key, uv.updated_value) as new_tags from tags t join updated_values uv on = where not exists ( select 1 from remove_tags rt where = and rt.key = uv.new_key ) group by t.title,, t.region, t.subscription_id, t.cred, t.tags ) resultwhere old_tags != new_tags;