- Detect & correct App Service plans if unused
- Detect & correct Compute disks attached to stopped VMs
- Detect & correct Compute unattached disks
- Detect & correct Compute disks with high IOPS
- Detect & correct Compute disks with low usage
- Detect & correct Compute snapshots exceeding max age
- Detect & correct Compute snapshots with premium storage
- Detect & correct Compute virtual machines
- Detect & correct Compute virtual machine with low utilization
- Detect & correct Compute disks exceeding max size
- Detect & correct HDInsight clusters exceeding max age
- Detect & correct Kubernetes clusters exceeding max age
- Detect & correct Kusto clusters exceeding max age
- Detect & correct Kusto clusters without autoscaling
- Detect & correct Monitor log profiles without retention policy
- Detect & correct Network application gateways without autoscaling
- Detect & correct Network load balancers if unused
- Detect & correct Network NAT gateways if unused
- Detect & correct Network unattached public IPs
- Detect & correct Network virtual network gateways if unused
- Detect & correct Service Fabric clusters exceeding max age
- Detect & correct SQL databases exceeding max age
- Detect & correct Storage accounts without lifecycle policy
- Detect & correct Compute virtual machine scale sets if unused
Get Involved
Detect & correct Compute virtual machines with low utilization
Azure Compute virtual machines with low utilization should be reviewed for either down-sizing or stopping if no longer required in order to reduce running costs.
This query trigger identifies Compute virtual machines with low utilization and either sends notifications or attempts predefined corrective actions.
Getting Started
By default, this trigger is disabled, but can be configured by setting the variables:
should be set totrue
(default isfalse
should be set according to your desired running schedule.compute_virtual_machines_with_low_utilization_default_action
should be set to"notify"
or any other desired action (e.g.,"notify"
for notifications or"stop_virtual_machine"
to stop the instance).
Then starting the server:
flowpipe server
or if you've set the variables in a .fpvars
flowpipe server --var-file=/path/to/your.fpvars
with compute_virtual_machine_utilization as ( select name, max(average) as avg_max, count(average) days from azure_compute_virtual_machine_metric_cpu_utilization_daily where date_part('day', now() - timestamp) <= 30 group by name having max(average) < 40),compute_virtual_machine_current as ( select i.title,,, i.region, i.size, i.resource_group, i.subscription_id, i.sp_connection_name as conn, i.size as instance_size, case when security_profile ->> 'securityType' = 'TrustedLaunch' then 'trusted_launch' else 'not_trusted_launch' end as trusted_launch_config, split_part(i.size, '_', 1) as tier from compute_virtual_machine_utilization u left join azure_compute_virtual_machine i on =,distinct_families as ( select distinct instance_size, tier, region, trusted_launch_config from compute_virtual_machine_current),capability_values as ( select instance_size, region, name, tier, capability ->> 'name' as capability_name, capability ->> 'value' as capability_value from ( select f.instance_size, f.region,, f.tier, jsonb_array_elements(capabilities) as capability from distinct_families f join azure_compute_resource_sku s on like f.tier || '_%' and s.resource_type = 'virtualMachines' cross join jsonb_array_elements_text(s.locations) as l where l = f.region ) as capability_expanded),family_details as ( select instance_size, name, tier, region, MAX( case when capability_name = 'vCPUs' then capability_value :: int else null end ) as vcpus, MAX( case when capability_name = 'MemoryGB' then capability_value :: float else null end ) as memorygb, case when capability_name = 'HyperVGenerations' then capability_value else null end as hyper_v_generations, case when capability_name = 'TrustedLaunchDisabled' then capability_value :: bool else null end as trusted_launch_disabled from capability_values group by instance_size, name, region, tier, hyper_v_generations, trusted_launch_disabled),ranked_families as ( select instance_size, name, region, tier, hyper_v_generations, trusted_launch_disabled, RANK() over ( partition by instance_size order by vcpus asc, memorygb asc ) as weight from family_details)select concat( id, ' (', title, ') [', size, '/', region, '/', resource_group, ']' ) as title, id, name as vm_name, size as current_type, resource_group, subscription_id, coalesce( ( select name from ranked_families fd where fd.tier = c.tier and fd.weight < ( select weight from ranked_families where name = c.size limit 1 ) order by fd.weight desc limit 1 ), '' ) as suggested_type, region, connfrom compute_virtual_machine_current c;
category = Cost
class = unused
plugin = azure
service = Azure/Compute